heidi horchler

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What I learned at Barnes & Noble Today

  • Time flies when you are looking at books.
  • There are way more books to read than I will ever have time for in my life.
  • For fiction books, all you need to read is the first page to know if you'll like the book.
  • My fantasy-adventure story is still relevant. The "does it matter?" slump/doubt has been completely erased, and fed with new inspiration. Thanks to the teen & young reader's section, and re-visiting some of the classics.

classic books

  • My read-aloud bedtime book is very relevant, and I can do my own illustrations. Even though I'm totally getting into unleashing my artistic side, I've been overwhelmed by my lack of experience. I keep thinking: How can I illustrate this story while fooling everyone into thinking I know what I'm doing?

With the recent nudging of a very good friend, some inspiration from Neil Himself (watch this video, and if you already have, watch it again), and today's hours spent in the children's section, now I know: art is art. Everyone has a different approach, and like Mr. Gaiman says, no one  can tell my story but me. No one can create the art that's in my head but me.


Off I go.