Online Art Gallery
This Labor Day, I was lucky enough to be invited up to my BFF's family cabin for the weekend. It's in a small mountain town, just far enough away from the heat and congestion of the city. AND host to an annual craft & artisan fair.I love these fairs. There are so many beautiful things to see, and you have a chance to get to know the people who made them. My problem is, I can never afford anything there! So I figured if I can't directly purchase some of the artwork I saw, the least I can do is help support local artists by telling everyone else about them. That whole "word of
mouth blog" idea. :)If I had my own art gallery, I'd be happy to have these pieces in my shop! Keep reading til the end to see my top picks of the weekend.
Heidi's Online Art Gallery
If you love browsing through home decor magazines like me, you may have seen chairs like these adorning some high-end Aspen getaway:Anita Cordes Willis makes them by hand and sells them here: Jewelry is more your speed, you might like these kiln-formed glass pieces handcrafted by Ray Balda:
Check out Ray's Facebook page: Kokopelli Art Glass (and click "Like!" - when I asked Ray if I could feature him on my blog, he said only if your readers Like my Facebook page!). Thanks, Ray.Judy Brooks makes these gorgeous pottery colanders, as useful as they are beautiful:
Jo Burke knits cute handbags and felts the wool in hot water to make them sturdy and long lasting:
Want more jewelry? Here's some by Vickie "Bead" Smith:
Right next to the fair is a REAL art gallery, Myra's Art Gallery & Studio. It has been a landmark of the Pine, Arizona main drag for many years. Myra is a lovely woman—an artist herself—and was kind enough to show us around her gallery. She is host to some of the most well known artists in the state, and can tell you all about each of them. She allowed me to photograph some to share with you:
Please visit Myra's page to see more from these amazing artists and visit their own websites.We went back to the fair and I got my mom some earrings for her birthday:
Here are my top three artists from the craft fair:
Nancy Koski:Nancy is a potter and an artist. She makes original pieces of pottery, then paints beautiful pictures on them by hand.
Nora E. Graf:Nora's art is truly one-of-a-kind. She carves and paints dried gourd vases. Simply amazing. I would love to have a few of her pieces in my home.
Raymond Judge:Raymond is a navajo artist who makes these tiny watercolors:
And he makes jewelry:
And he sculpts. Check out this Pronghorn:
Please support these amazing artists by visiting their sites, telling your friends about them - and, hey, maybe buy a piece or two!We had such a great time on our weekend away. We even got to load up a bag of used books at the library for 2 bucks!
We had a great weekend.
And this pretty Coues deer doe said goodbye to us as we left:
Thanks for reading! What original artwork have you seen lately?