heidi horchler

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Goldfish Boldly Goes (or) How an Idea Becomes a Painting

How I Paint

This piece began as a sketch in my Moleskine sketchbook, and has gone through a few iterations.  Here it is, way back in 2013, in my sketchbook and as an painting titled "3 Waves." 

Click on images to be taken through the gallery, and hover to bring up any notes. This painting can be purchased as a print or other product in my shop.

Making a Sample Painting

This is a test piece I made before I started painting the final watercolor version

Where to Get Ideas for a Painting

For the final version I drew for Daydream Odyssey, I wanted it to be more of a narrative piece, that is, to tell a story. I also wanted to play with the idea of sea creatures. I may have been influenced by the trip we took to Hawaii that year, the summer after my college graduation and my youngest son’s high school graduation.

Maybe it’s from living in the desert that the ocean has such a pull on me. Maybe because I’m a fire-sign Leo and I need the water to cool me down. My husband attributes it to the fact that all humans are attracted to the ocean because of the 9 months we were floating around in our mothers’ bellies. Or maybe it has something to do with the moon and her connection to both femininity and the tides. Isn’t there a song that says “blame it on the moon?”

Well whatever the reason the ocean makes its way into a lot of my work. I’m good with it.

Click on an image to bring up the slide show; hover over image for any notes or info.

Time Lapse Video of Watercolor Painting! (aka “Speedpainting”)

Here’s the video! I hope you like it! make sure to like & subscribe to my YouTube channel for updates whenever I post a video.

Real Time Video of How To Mix Watercolors

I also did a video in real time of mixing paint - since it’s real time, it’s kinda slow but it might be interesting to some of you who are curious about the process. As always, feel free to ask a question in the comments below, or use my contact form. Thanks again for stopping by.

xo Heidi

Don’t forget to Like & Subscribe to my videos on YouTube! It helps more people find my art!
