Ripples Coloring Page + Free Download
Ripples is a small watercolor painting that started out as a doodle. We went for a camping trip this fall to get out and enjoy the mountains & some fresh cool air after a hot, hot summer. I opted to sit lakeside for a while while the guys got into some trout.
There is a link below if you wish to download, print, and color your own version. If you post it to social media, please tag me!
It was an awesome trip in a very special spot we've been visiting since the kids were little. It's so peaceful and relaxing, and just the right dose of Mother Nature to lift your spirits and remind you what life is really about.
I like drawing these weird topographical doodles - I have tons of them. But I wanted to play around with the idea of coloring them in, in an unexpected way. It would be obvious to use different value shades to give the feeling of depth, as in a marine or topographical map, but I wanted to make it more of an abstract color study.
I've been following the #colour_collective tag on Twitter, and during this time, the color prompt was "Deep Saffron." I couldn't get it out of my head it was so gorgeous.
In fact, I loaded up my fountain pen with some saffron-colored ink just to have fun.
Lyrics from "Otherside" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
So I used Deep Saffron as my starting point. I decided to try a muted palette of fall colors. This was a challenge for me since I usually go as bright and intense in hue as possible (pastels are even tougher!)
Click through the slideshow to see the stages of filling in color:
I had so much fun coloring this in, I think you should do it too!! I'm having a giveaway contest on my YouTube channel! Please follow this link for details:
Click the button below for your free PDF down load of Ripples, and color it in! Have fun with it, print one out for your kids, too! Even if they scribble all over it, who cares? It should be about having fun. Or print out a bunch and take them to your coloring group or coffee with a friend. Or better yet sit with an elderly person, color, and have them tell you stories about the old days. Please print, color, and share.*
Post a picture of your colored page on Instagram or Facebook, follow and tag @heidhorch by Saturday, December 2 to enter a drawing for a free print! Like & subscribe on YouTube.
Click button for your downloadable PDF. You can print or download from the page that opens.
Okay now for you art nerds out there, I'm listing my materials used. I've begun an affiliate account with Amazon, so any purchases you make through this site that link to Amazon or will help to fund this and future projects. Thank you so much! And as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to comment below or on YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook. (links at bottom of page)
Now get out there and make some art!!
Thanks as always for visiting.
*Please use copyright etiquette - use the image for personal or educational purposes. It may not be reprinted or distributed electronically or published in any way for any purpose other than personal or educational.