Let's Get it Started
Welcome to my new blog and thanks for stopping by! You may have previously seen me over at my website westceltgypsy.com, a site which focuses on writing, gypsy horses, and random other topics like how to make my Grandma G's pizza, or our favorite place to go camping.
As I gear up to my senior year as an undergrad, I wanted a separate, art-focused site. So here you are!
This will be my edition of #The100DaysProject, started by designer Elle Luna and The Great Discontent. The original project is officially over, but since there are many people late to the game (like me), they encourage participation no matter when you begin. Read more about it here. If you sign up, send me a comment on Instagram @heidhorch and I'll follow you! This is a great project for technical practice and creative exploration. I might be a little crazy for starting this project now with school ready to start, but there's nothing like a little pressure to help motivate.
My 100 day project is called 100 Days of Lyrics In my Head. This will help me practice my hand lettering, and since lyrics somehow find their way into my work anyway, I thought this would be fun.
Previous work inspired by U2, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Christina Aguilera, Elvis Costello, Led Zeppelin and Chicago. Can you guess the Chicago song?
I'll most likely post other stuff once school starts, too. I'm a process junkie, so this blog will focus on work in progress, and the more technical side of making art. Since my degree is in art education, you'll see some things along those lines as well.
I encourage you to ask questions if you're wondering about art, going back to school, or anything else. Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you again soon!
My 100 days project will be posted on Instagram and here on this blog. Click here to follow me on Instagram.