I'm Sending You Away...again

I love you, but go away. Go! Explore, meet new people, read new blogs. I'll be waiting for you when you get back. Maybe I'll even make you some pot roast. Mashed potatoes? Yes, please.One of the great things about blogging is that you get exposed to so many other blogs. Some are just OK, some consist of mostly advertising, but a lot of them are pretty awesome.

Your first destination, if you'll allow me some more shameless self-promotion, is to my friend Anne Tibbets's blog, Will Write for Coffee, where I have been asked to...drumroll please... guest post! I'm so flattered and excited! Not that it takes much to flatter me or excite me, but hey, I'll take what I can get. But as a writer, it's pretty flattering and exciting. This is my first foray into writing for someone else, please stop by and read:

Anne is a writer who has published two books: The Amulet Chronicles, co-authored with Erika Ely Lewis, and The Beast Call, her latest. She is currently working on a sequel to The Beast Call, and an edgy YA nail-biter, The Line. She also just happens to be married to a good friend of mine from high school. Yeah, we go back. I'm so excited for Anne as she builds on her momentum and gears up to be the Next Big Author. Just wait, I'll be able to say I told you so.

Lyn is a teacher, photographer and artist living in West Yorkshire, UK. In Everyday Life, she shares photos that capture the beauty around her. Her images are simple, but she has a way of looking at things that makes you think if you were with her at the time, she'd point out some detail to you that you'd missed somehow, even though it was right in front of you.Not to mention the fact that by showing me a part of the world I personally love, I kind of feel like I'm taking a little journey when I read her posts. She has a penchant for sunrises and sunsets, architecture, gardens and her cat, Lucy.She and her husband take all these cool trips, from walks right around the corner to day trips around England, and this year to France. Lyn snaps away, and gives you a glimpse of something you'd never see if not for her eye or lens.A few shots from Lyn:(Clicking on each photo will take you to the original post)

Cool sites I've found through her site:365 Project: take a photo a day to document your lifeBig Huge Labs: do fun stuff with your photos; mosaics, posters, pop art and much more. Can't wait to play with this.

I don't know much about this blogger, but she posts photos of the most cool, laid back hippie-gypsy interiors and images, and sometimes will include amazing songs that you forgot you knew and are so happy to recall.If there's any bone in your body that inexplicably feels at home around the Bohemian, you will fall in instant, romantic, patchwork, vine-y, wooden, floating scarves and natural sunlight LOVE. This is just a small sample:

Here's one of the songs - Sisters of the Moon, by Fleetwood Mac (Tusk, 1979)
Free download.
I tried to embed it as a player so you could listen to it here first but I can't $#%*ing figure it out and I've been pulling out my hair. If you know how, please leave a comment, before I go bald.
So please have fun blog surfing. I hope you enjoy these little spots on the web as much as I do. One of the other great things about blogging is that your peers are very supportive. It's a nice community, another way of getting to know those who share our planet, and keeping in touch globally through common interests.
I wholeheartedly believe in the idea that if we support other artists, not only will this goodwill come back to us, but by sharing ART in general it enriches the lives of everyone around us, and will hopefully bring a sense of beauty and awe that will supersede the pervasive negativity that seems to be pushed upon us at every turn. To experience art is to experience love. 
On that note, I'd like to share a video I found on another blog, Heart Shaped.
The story can be read here. Note: keep watching, you'll see what it's about.
Enjoy ♡

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3_bCfrOPI4]

I enjoy reading your comments, please feel free to leave feedback. xo